That always seems to make everything okay with them. I hear it all the time from the righties, and listening to the callers on CSPAN today, one theme comes across over and over and over again, completely ignoring any discussion (or thought, apparently) about what is "right." As in "the right thing to do." As in "moral." They all say, virtually every one of them, that we should be able to do anything we want to any prisoner because "they chop off heads," or "they dragged our soldiers through the street." They are evil, so therefore, in the Republican brain, we should be evil too. They can't seem to reconcile the aspect of trying to establish a democracy with actual democratic principles. Instead they use -- SURPRISE! -- religious principles;
an eye for an eye. They just don't get it. It is like the old joke of the mother repeatedly slapping her kid upside the head while yelling "I TOLD YOU NOT TO HIT YOUR BROTHER!" then wondering why the kid doesn't get that he's not supposed to hit.
Republicans, I think, are just stupid. Or dense. Or something. I just don't get it, I don't understand how such a basic argument could be lost on so many people.