I read this article today at work. It was on Google News and is an opinion on the Chavez/Venezuela foreign minister situation. My jaw almost dropped as I read it as it is quite a blunt perspective on the situation that you really don't get to see here in the good ole US.
Even though I didn't agree with Chavez's approach and am by no means a big Chavez cheerleader, I found that this article transcends those issues and smacks incontrovertible reality into the situation. Give it a read, you'll enjoy it.
Here's a few snips:
The latest incident of visiting indignity on the Venezuelan foreign minister confirm to a pattern of US total disregard for international law and proper diplomatic conduct. Since coming to power through democratic elections and launching the Bolivarian revolution, which seeks to break the US stranglehold on the major sector of Venezuelan national life, especially the oil sector, Washington has not hidden its contempt, dislike and profound animosity for President Hugo Chavez. Apart from overt hostility and propaganda to the Chavez regime and the Bolivarian process, the US has undertaken actions to sabotage and topple the administration which Venezuelans chose for themselves in a free and fair election. In 2002, the US administration openly supported a coup deta't against President Chavez.
As US flagrant violations and breach of international law and protocols of diplomacy become more incessant, it might be necessary to ponder the eligibility of that country to host the secretariat of the foremost international organization.
A country that prefers to act alone than in co-operation with others, holds world opinion in profound contempt, violates international rules with impunity, arrogates itself the power and wisdom to define universal value, intolerant of the most sublime disagreement and in a most venal form disparages any one who disagrees with it, cannot by any stretch of common sense host, a forum of dialogue and understanding among all mankind.
If Venezuelan foreign minister was held hostage by the American authorities because they do not like his government, any other foreign minister attending the formal functions of the UN could be held in the same way.
*end snip*
Much more inbetween at link below: