Everyone has lost someone at some time in thier life. It hurts. It makes us feel like shit. Most of us in this country that have lost someone, have lost them to things beyond control, disease, old age, health problems, accidents. It still sucks. Imagine if those we had lost had been lost due to some outside force, if they had been lost to something or someone that could be pointed at as the reason for their death. Adding to the hurt of the loss we would have to contend with the fact that it did not have to happen. Whatever the actual number of Iraqi's who have died in the war who had nothing to do with the war, whether its 30,000 or 130,000 say that it deeply effected at least three people. If it were you, would you be enraged? Would you look for revenge? Would you at least not combat or inform on people who were fighting the people you held responsible? Can you say Isurgent?
I can not forget the picture I saw of a small boy a couple of months ago. He was sitting in a pool of blood on some stairs eating a sandwich. The caption stated that he had lost his father in a bombing attack carried out by the U.S.. What part of KILLING IS WRONG do they not understand. Smart bombs my ass, there is no such thing. Bombs are stupid, when they go off they kill whoever is within their desiged killing range. I am tough. I am hardened more than anyone has a right to be and this picture made me cry and still does whenever I think about it. I would be interested to know the change in the mortality rate for Iraq since the unnecessary war started. If there is a hell and I am starting to be sorry that there probably isn't, there will be a special place for the assholes who start wars. I can only hope that they get what they deserve before they go to eternal rest.