From tonight's (Wednesday) Countdown broadcast. Excellent overview of the Bush administration's failures (deliberate or otherwise) before 9/11. There are things I had forgotten about, so well worth looking at. Rough Transcript at Crooks & Liars site. Olbermann takes a “look back” at Bush’s first months in office leading up to 9/11By: John Amato on Wednesday, September 27th, 2006 at 6:44 PM - PDT
Keith Olbermann responds to Bush’s non-response to Bill Clinton. He goes over his first months in office leading up to 9/11. It’s not a pretty picture.
Video -WMP Video -QT
(rough transcript)
Olbermann: The political debate still raging over Mr. Clinton’s remarks in a Fox News interview Sunday has overshadowed the debate Mr. Clinton suggested the nation ought to have… a discussion of what steps the Bush administration took to get Osama bin Laden or destroy al Qaeda before September 11th.
- snip -
And it is, we suspect, even more rare, to see this tape, of the Bush White House addressing reports of such feelers in February, 2001, after we knew al Qaeda had attacked the Cole:
Q: The Taliban in Afghanistan, they have offered that they are ready to hand over Osama bin Laden to Saudi Arabia if the United States would drop its sanctions, and they have a kind of deal that they want to make with the United States. Do you have any comments?
MR. FLEISCHER: Let me take that and get back to you on that.
There is no record of any subsequent discussion on the matter.
In a recent interview, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice responded to Mr. Clinton by defending the Bush record, and saying, quote,
"We were not left a comprehensive strategy to fight al Qaeda."
Our goal in this report is to rise to Mr. Clinton’s challenge, and assess the record of Mr. Bush’s efforts against al Qaeda in his first eight months in office. We begin with Rice’s denial of a comprehensive Clinton strategy to fight al Qaeda.
On January 25th, five days after Mr. Bush took office, counterterrorism czar Richard Clarke sent Rice a memo, attaching to it a document entitled "Strategy for Eliminating the Threat… of al Qaeda." It was, Clarke wrote, "developed by the last Administration to give to you…
diplomatic, economic, military, public diplomacy and intelligence tools."
Clarke’s memo requested a follow-up, cabinet-level meeting to address time-sensitive questions about al Qaeda. But Mr. Bush downgraded counterterrorism from a cabinet-level job, so Clarke now dealt with **deputy** secretaries, instead.