...they will unite against us, and even our allies will rejoice in our failures.Anti-U.S. leaders seek alliancesby Helene Cooper, Detroit News
But others here
(at the UN) wondered whether they might be witnessing the birth of a new anti-American bloc, something that may eventually succeed the Nonaligned Movement, which originated in the Cold War.
The aggressive steps the Bush administration has taken on national security, as well as more general resentment against the world's strongest power, have made the United States vulnerable to charges of racism, hypocrisy and imperialism, particularly in the non-Western world, diplomats here said.
"Wherever he looks, he sees extremists," Chavez said Tuesday about President Bush to a roomful of General Assembly delegates, most of them from Africa, Latin America and Asia. "And you, my brother -- he looks at your color, and he says, 'Oh, there's an extremist.' Evo Morales, the worthy president of Bolivia, looks like an extremist to him."
When Chavez says Washington sees imagined enemies in dark-skinned people, he is capitalizing on international anger over issues like secret CIA prisons and the Bush administration's attempts to reinterpret the Geneva Conventions. "Things like Guantanamo make people question whether we believe our own values, and whether what the president says about protecting civil liberties is actually true," said Edward Luck, head of the Center on International Organization at Columbia University. "That gives people like Chavez an opening that they can exploit."
More at:
http://www.detnews.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20060927/NATION/609270347/1020It seems to me that with America emerging as an unpredictable, dangerous "rogue nation" that is likely to invade any country at all for no reason, a country of people who apparently are tired of their democracy and Constitution and would now like to establish a fascist dictatorship here and an American Empire abroad, the rest of the world has no choice but to band together to "contain" us, just the way we tried to "contain" the Soviet Union for all these years. They will impose economic and trade sanctions at first, but who knows where they will go from there?
The monster that America has become must be stopped, for the good of the world. If we can't do it ourselves, the rest of the world will do it for us.