Torture, suspension of habeus corpus, secret testimony, coersed testimony, secret rendition, secret prisons, backing out of the Geneva Convention...
All that adds up to a two bit dictator.
For what?
To protect me from the scores of terrorists attacking people in my downtown?
How many buses have blown up in your hometown?
Where is the terror?
It isn't fucking in the streets of this country. It is in the White House and behind the closed door GOP meetings.
Bush wants to be dictator....I say bring it on...the American people won't stand for it.
Don't Tread On Me!
This country wasn't built to be torn down by cheap politicians.
The hundreds of thousands of people who died making this country free didn't offer thier lives to protect Halliburton's right to plunder the U.S. treasury, or to give handouts to the rich.
Where is the FREEDOM...
It isn't coming from Washington that is for damn sure.
It is right here in our hearts and WE KNOW...what is happening is wrong. MOST Americans know too.
Bush and the GOP are treading on America and on me.
We ARE ALL RED, WHITE AND BLUE.... all colors, all people, all faiths...lets start acting like a free nation and THROW THE INTERLOPERS that highjacked this nation OUT in November.