"...of the United States" by Howard Zinn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
All this chattering about supporting or not supporting the Dems, arguing about whether they are cowards or just cowed, and big talk about the American experiment... it will seem rather naive to you once you've rethought our history from a Zinn point of view. THEY have NEVER cared about US. The thin veil has just been lifted by this exceptionally greedy administration, that's all. Any rights we've gotten we've - WE - fought and died for. Blacks treated as humans? Check. Women enfranchised? Check. Even the forty-hour work week? Check. It was all clawing away by the regular people against the assumptions and greed of the oligarchs. We were fortunate, up til now, to live in the most fair and enlightened blip of history. That's all. It can never last. Because, ultimately, there will always be people who care more for money and power than for human lives, and there will always be people who are willing to resort to violence. So we must either succumb, fight back, or die. Or all of the above.