and watching which way it's blowing today.
I doubt very seriously that any complaints about him being a White House stenographer (which, of course, he IS - one of the WORST order) phase him not. After all, WE in the opposition are not perceived as the money crowd. The money crowd is traditionally the conservatives/republi-CONS/regressives/owners/bosses/elites in whose circles he orbits. He cares what THEY think because they hold his publishing contracts and they can influence his book sales - and as long as he has his precious "access," he doesn't give a rat's ass about anything. It's "access" above all other things. Access to the "in" crowd of the moment is the ONLY thing to him. He doesn't want to bite the hand that feeds.
My guess is that he's watching the wind change, and assuming that it's time to start shifting ever so slightly and hedging his bets. We're coming to the end of the bush years in one way or another - whether we force them to end sooner than two years from now, with IMPEACHMENT, or not. His guru won't be in charge for too much longer, and if he wants to continue with those nice lucrative book contracts and speaking engagements and all those nice invites to be on TV, he's gonna have to cultivate new sugar daddies. So NOW, I suspect, he's starting the maneuvering to position himself as the "objective" reporter we thought he was back during Watergate. If he starts now, he'll be sufficiently well-positioned as a member of the "new" anti-republi-CON "in" crowd when he evidently anticipates it will take over the White House. He's merely protecting his "access" to people, and he knows those to whom he'll have to cozy up in the future are NOT members of this particular power structure.
bob woodshed is loyal to one thing only: bob woodshed - and the greater bank accounts, fame, fortune, and hob-knobbing privileges that make bob woodshed one of the inner-circle elites. He's investing in his own future, assuming that if he tattles on this White House (now that it's down on its luck and he's the fair-weather friend he's always been), he'll improve his reputation with the non-bush establishment. And we'll start trusting him again - and buying his books.
Yeah, sure, bob.
Interesting and MOST instructive as a strategy-assessment tool. If you want to get a better idea of which way the political wind is blowing, watch bob woodshed. Observe whichever way (or WHOEVER) HE'S blowing. He obviously thinks change is in the wind and that the bush machinery is toxic. That's why he's talking outside of school now. I doubt he would have wanted to endanger his access to THIS White House back when he was crouched at bush's feet like a puppy, taking notes for his last two books. Now, I suspect he's decided that access to THIS White House is no longer of as much value, especially since they're on the way down, AND out. He's ready to become somebody else's baby.