It's a sad day for America, as torture is in and habeus corpus is out. Even if we take back Congress this year, I don't see us overturning this POS "legislation" because Bush will still be around to veto any repeal. However, come 2008 we will be able to take back the White House. Unfortunately, I don't see us having the super-majority needed to repeal most of Bush's nefarious legislation, and it's possible that the Republicans might still control Congress in 2008 (or perhaps narrowly taking back narrowly what we gain in 2006 despite a winning Presidential election.) In order to stop a GOP Congress or one that's still held hostage to them (they could filibuster if they lose the Senate, and I don't see us trying the nuclear option) would you support the President (Warner, Clark, Feingold, Edwards, etc.) using executive order to wipe out the toture legislation, the wiretapping program, and the Patriot Act? Is it possible to do this on other acts passed under Bush, like the Bankruptcy Bill or the tax cuts? I know that Congress has to be involved in there somewhere, but they just signed away their relevence, and if our President has to deal with the likes of Dennis Hastert or Mitch McConnell (or a spineless Democratic Congress that's afraid of losing seats in 2010) he should damn well use executive order!