voters don't bother voting or care what's happening.
Face it, when you're on a treadmill because wages are falling and prices are rising(even though there is no inflation) and you're in debt up to your neck - it's hard to care about what's going on somewhere else.
Here's an interesting interview about this very thing. Most people don't connect their misery with Washingon: BUZZFLASH INTERVIEW
... a lot of individuals
who were very supportive initially of President Bush, started to say things to me like: it’s amazing you can pay so much money for a war. They didn't talk so much about how we could balance the budget, but that we were paying for a war, and we’re paying for things outside of the country, and not for things inside the country.
-- Nomi Prins
On the one hand, there's our government's policies, and on the other, there's the money or credit card tucked inside your wallet. Journalist Nomi Prins crisscrossed America to talk to people about what's in their wallets, and, in doing so, she found plenty of evidence of the impact of politics and policies on average Americans. Her new book, Jacked: How “Conservatives” Are Picking Your Pocket, shows the impact of "Republican incompetence and meanness" (Howard Dean's words) on real lives. Just as Studs Terkel delved into the world of Working, Prins explores inside Americans' pocketbooks. In so doing, she discovers a heroic American spirit -- along with real economic woes.