Thu Sep 28, 6:11 AM ET
The most amusing part of the confrontation between former President Bill Clinton and Fox News Sunday anchor Chris Wallace came in the immediate aftermath, when the bullies of cable and their wingnut gang shrieked about the mean, crazy man picking on them.
Waah! Waah! Waah! they wailed. Clinton planned it! Clinton tricked Fox! Clinton melted down! Clinton is responsible for 9/11!
If Wallace didn't want to provoke a tough answer, he shouldn't have impersonated a tough interviewer. By insinuating that Clinton was somehow derelict in failing to eliminate Osama bin Laden, al Qaeda and the Taliban, he reopened a can of worms that he should have left shut.
That incident wasn't the first time that the Republican Party's media servants, at Fox and elsewhere, have tried to falsify the history of American conflict with al Qaeda for partisan purposes. The smearing began within months after 9/11.
As Clinton sarcastically pointed out, his conservative critics show little concern about the Bush administration's failure to act against the jihadist enemy for eight months after taking office. Not only did they refuse to do anything, but they and their top aides refused to even talk about doing anything. nails it. Waah!