Today you voted in supprt of a detainee bill that allows for torture, the stripping away of habeas corpus and the ability label just about anyone as an enemy combatant.
I can't tell you how outraged I am to see that something which stands so contrary to the constitution and to the values of the United States would not only gain a platform within the confines of the legislature, but also pass so easily by a group of elected officials who claim to embrace what this country stands for.
Today, these values and truths we hold dear were compromised. By stripping away basic human rights that we want for ALL humans, we are risking our very own.
I shouldn't have to write this letter, Mr. Ford...to anyone. I shouldn't have to tell you about what this country should stand for and I shouldn't have to tell you that for the first time in this nation's history our democracy is truly at risk. Looking back at this country's history only the civil war comes close to even mirroring what happened today.
The US isn't being invaded and we're not dealing with an insurection or even a civil war, yet here we are.
I write to you, Mr. Ford, as a concerned Democrat of TN. You are currently running for the senate to take Bill Frists place. You can rest assured I will vote for you, but you can also be assured, I will be following your voting record and comments should you win.
Should you win, you can expect to hear from me when I disagree whether it's an email or phone call.
Thank You