the Democrats fucking stand up for the America people! . . .
again . . . the American people WILL stand up for the Democrats IF the Democrats stand up for the American people! . . .
a strong and unified front in absolute and total opposition to the War Criminal Protection Act of 2006 would resonate positively with the vast majority -- IF you explain WHAT the bill contains, and WHY it cannot stand . . . hell, most are desperately hoping and praying for someone to step forward and stand up to the criminals who are destroying their country! . . .
the Democrats are missing a HUGE opportunity here to establish themselves as the de-facto leaders of this nation -- the ones protecting its foundation and preserving its values . . . but they have to stop living in the artificial, fear-mongered world created by BushCo and the media and return to the real world -- to the reality that BushCo THINKS they can manipulate . . . the reality where torture really IS abhorrent and unthinkable . . .
if we don't stand up to them now, we may never have another chance . . .