My right wing mother would hurl repuke sound bites at me whenever I tried to point out facts to her. Then one day she mentioned something about boosh doing his job of protecting Americans & I told her that his job was to "preserve, protect & defend the Constitution" not the American people. "Oh that's not true!" she said. So I bought her one of those little Constitution/Declaration/Bill of Rights books. I winked & told her it was the most liberal book she would ever read. I opened it to Article II Section 1, paragraph 8 & made her read it. Her mouth hit the floor. "I didn't know that," she said.
You know what? She is more open to listening to me now. She is finally open to checking out facts, well on occasion, anyway! ;) I swear, it was pointing out the Constitution that swayed her. She believes in the Constitution, she's just forgotten what it says. She listens to these blow hard hate radio jerks & has never verified anything they say until recently. Once she starts pulling the string of their lies, the whole thing will unravel. It may take time, but she has already shown an opening of mind about election fraud & global warming. ~gasp!!! Holy crap, I cannot tell you what a smile it puts on my face! :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
I recommend "We the People: A Call to Take Back America" by Thom Hartmann. It is a great civics refresher for all ages! It is written in a comic book fashion so it's fun & a quick read. Kids will love it. Last year I gave a copy to everyone on my holiday list.
Here you can view or print an excerpt from the book: read the Amazon reviews here: know, that little Constitution book is one of best presents you could give everyone on your list! They are about $5.