Edited on Fri Sep-29-06 10:08 AM by ck4829
"The safety and security of our nation is at a critical crossroads. The liberals in the Senate have refused to pass important legislation to properly secure our borders and with your help, I will finish the job I began in the House.
In just a few short weeks, millions of Americans will decide the direction of our country. Like many of you, I believe that our communities and our values are in danger from ultra-liberals Ted Kennedy, Hillary Clinton, Harry Reid and the rest who value the rights of ILLEGAL ALIENS and TERRORISTS over YOUR national security.
Just last week Florida’s Governor Jeb Bush and President George Bush endorsed me during a Republican gathering in Orlando. During that same week, I cut Bill Nelson’s lead in half. Like all of my past campaigns, I have come from behind, in sharp disbelief to the political pundits. But this time, it’s more critical than ever with the security of the nation in the balance."
And then I noticed something, if you delete the capitalized letters and certain connecting words in the second paragraph, you get something very interesting, perhaps this reveals Katherine's hidden agenda.
"In just a few short weeks, millions of Americans will decide the direction of our country. Like many of you, I believe that our communities and our values are in danger from ultra-liberals Ted Kennedy, Hillary Clinton, Harry Reid and the rest who value rights over national security."
'Ultra-Liberals' value rights over national security?