A few suggestions -
When did Bob Woodward say what you quote him as saying, and can you cite the source? I have a feeling he did not say that, since one clause doesn't make sense. If you are going to quote, you must quote exactly, otherwise it's slander (or perjury - I get the two mixed up). Also, you have Bob quoting the President and the DOD - that quote needs to be in quotes as well.
Iraqi's is possessive, not plural. Thats is supposed to be a contraction, so it should be "that's", but using contractions in formal writing is ugly, so use "that is". Please put spaces after punctuation.
When you say "As a veteran of the Vietnem war I heard this same old song then", what do you mean by "then"? Perhaps rewriting as, "I was a soldier in the Vietnam War, and I heard that same old song then", assuming that's what you meant. "J.Dennis" should have a space between J. and Dennis, and it should be set off by commas. Committees does not need capitalization in that context; chairmen might not, either, but I am not actually sure in that case.
Don't say we have "lost" people - speak the truth. They've been killed. They are dead.
You have Wes Clark saying something, but you don't end the quote anywhere - use a quote mark to separate it off. And then the phrase 'stay the course' should be in single quotes, like I just did it.
I would move the third paragraph to be the second paragraph. And then explain in the (new) third paragraph what you mean by "NIC report" - say something about the contents, like "The NIC report, from the (whatever organization did it, I forget the groups that worked on it) that clearly states we've created more terrorists, made us less safe, and put America more in danger than it ever has been". Something like that.
Other than these grammar nits, though, that's it - the content is fantastic! I love the imagery of how many attacks an hour we're actually getting.