America is like a fat kid that can run faster than most people. Inside this appearingly sluggish body is a machine that can carry it and it's internal makings faster and further than anything, or anyone else in competition. This machine, however is slowly declining.
I look around and I can see a society consisting of the self centered and the self doubting, the care giver and the care taker, the fanatical and the culprit. We are now a nation divided blindly against one another, and all based on individual beliefs.
Americans were once brought up in close family structures where each family, who could have very well been stuck in isolation, worked as a team. No man, woman or child was left behind because the work was done for a common good. Those days no longer exist. We live in a nation of rabid, pretentious morons who care nothing more than the next television show that will be on or the next new car. Beasts.
Divided we are, and cancerous we are becoming. Our fanatical dissent is being spread all over the world in a proverbial negative tsunami of doubt and self discontent. We are a miserable, heavily medicated and heavily toxic and brainwashed nation who is being bogged down by media centers and the inability to think freely.
Not all is bad, we still have McDonalds, and Wal Mart and Nike. I mean, our nation still doesn't have a problem paying people 12 cents an hour to sew our shoes and make our clothes. We do not care because it seems our self fabricated life is all that matters. The success story of capitalism has come true in America, all compassion, except for oneself that is has been lost.
We'll fight others to spread our doctrine, won't we but we won't learn to accept other doctrines. Speaking points that are against our own are shot down and most people are to ignorant to even think about discussing events. Hell, half the people in the nation can't even point out the state they live in on a map. It is a symbol of pure ignorance and our heads should be held with shame, but wait, that's what negative people do, so we already are, right?
GET POSITIVE PEOPLE! America is changing for the worse and we need a positive change. It starts with our generation, the generation with the most time and skill to offer. I'm making a plea to educate yourselves on current events, read a paper, live healthier lives, and discontinue this belief that just because we are American, and this country is protected that we are invincible, because we are not! We are our own worst enemy, as with every other country out there.
Wouldn't it be a great place if all beliefs and opinions were cast out and we all worked for a common good like the olden days? I think so, but we have descended so far down that hill, the task of climbing it again might be to much work for this "fat boy" we call America.
Take Care out There