:banghead: in the subject line, I would do so.:grr: I work in an office of about 30 people. About 25% are college educated. After talking to many of them about the latest developments, all I get is a lack of knowledge, apathy and a sense of help/hopelessness. The lack of knowledge is understandable being as most of them get their information from MSM's at best. The apathy is mind-blowing. Our country is being taken from us inch by inch and they just don't care as long as they have their tv, cell phone and ball games. :grr: I am on a campaign of trying to get them all registered so that Maybe they will vote in Nov, but even that seems to be asking too much. They seem to have given up the hope that what they do will make a difference. I will not stop trying, but the entire picture sure is discouraging. I think what I am most discouraged about is that when I step away from DU, all I find is sheeple. We are a great bunch.....arguementative at time, but with ONE mind....get rid of this cabal. Outside of this safe haven, vacuum. Nothing but vacuum.
What are you seeing in your offices? Hope, despair or nothingness?