The Illuminati.
While the way things occured was different than today, the outcome is starting to look more and more the same.
In the book, christians became the target. Supreme courts judges were murdered and it was blamed on them, and the president installed all new judges to his liking (the prez was a dupe too). Slowly but surely laws were overturned, national ids tracked people and stopped them from using their money if they were on the 'bad' list, and it just goes on and on....a parallel to today I think in many ways.
As a christian let me be the first to note: From the OT to the Last book of the NT god spent a lot of time telling the religious folks how much they had fucked up, from jews to christians. Take a look at the seven letters in revelation. The whore of babylon. The anti-christ who lured so many to his 'christian' ways which were wrong.
We seem to be facing those days now. What my fellow christians here in the US seem to be missing, is that they are a part of the problem and not the solution. You have fallen for the lies of a false prophet, one who leads you to vote for him based on the barest of things, and you still get nothing. Remember friends too, if you will, that Jesus did not go about asking his followers to change governments, but the hearts and minds of the people. So what if a society is free and permits things you do not like, such is not your concern.
Yet you have made it your concern, as though bush and crew would sweep away the things you see as evil and wrong, and bring society back to a 'good moral point'. Laws do not change a man, changing his ideals with new and better ones change him.
As a christian you do not have to practice the things you see as sinful, and as a christian you should honor the choice god gave you to choose - and pass that along to others here in this country. You have failed in all of this - in a rush to restrict the rights of others through political power you have enabled a slick speaking dragon to move in.
And if you really fear the liberals in power, think about the laws he has passed and how that will empower the left if they come to power :) Scary when shoe is on the other foot eh?
The liberals have it right - let people be free to do as they will, from gay marriage to abortion to sex in general. Make choices for your own life, not for the lives of others. God gave us a choice from day one, use his example and do the same. Vote for the party which is pro choice in life on many things (except smoking and seat belts....grrrrrr). Voting for the party that wants to curtail freedoms will lead you down the very road Jesus warned of.
It's not called a 'personal relationship with Jesus Christ' for nothing. Live outside this world and it's laws, make your own you follow based on your beliefs - and let others be free to do the same. THAT is what being a christian is to me. As long as we ALL have freedom, you will as well to pursue your beliefs. Removing freedoms of people will eventually result in yours going away as well.
Rant off.