Hey Virginia Dare, I have long been a "conspiracy theorist" and find that the postings to this site by octafish are reight on. I also share your discomfort as we wait for the next shoe to drop in the ongoing drama of state terrorism. I notice that most of the posters on DU seem to regard conspiracy concepts, as most of the American public has been programmed to do: disregard and ignore. Yet, it seems that as events continue to unfurl before our eyes the very real Bush crime family conspiracy is becoming more and more apparent to those who have the courage to examine our past history with eyes wide open! Remember it as Dubya himself who in the first address to the nation following 911 sanctimoniously warned against giving credence to "unwarrented conspiracy theories". If I go on I'll star to sputter and smear my monitoe with spittle. All I want to say to the DU community is WAKE UP! Let's take action. We cannot look to our Congress for maeningful leadership. What we need to do is organize a national strike to shut down the country for a day or more as long as it takes to impress the people who are supposed to represent "We the People" that we are mad as hell and we aren't going to take it any more! Would it be so hard to call on the people of the United States of America to put aside their private concerns and well being for one day and STAY HOME as an act of CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE? I for one am sick of all the impotent talk, talk, talk, while our republic descends into happy face fascism!