The new report, linked to here, but hard to read because of the traffic, is nothing short of breath-taking in scope, in how the Abramoff Gang was able to get most everything they wanted until the White House got scared of the crimes they had already committed and began rejecting most anything Jack suggested in 2003 and 2004. of all know that Greenberg Traurig was never paid its $314,000 bill to the RNC for the 2000 Recount Battle, so that is a huge in-kind contribution. THis is a big quid from them. Next is Jack himself raising $100k for Bush/Cheney campaign.
Abramoff is named to the 2001 transition team and gets key people placed at Interior for the Marianas sweatshops and sex clubs and key people removed. Then the fun really starts when his personal secretary Susan Ralston is made Rove's assistant.
NYT: "Mr. Abramoff described Mr. Rove in an e-mail message to a colleague: “He’s a great guy. Told me anytime we need something just let him know through Susan.” "
more illegal payments to Rove:
“I want him to be given a very nice bottle of wine and have Joseph whisper in his ear (only he should hear) that Abramoff wanted him to have this wine on the house.” In another e-mail message, Mr. Abramoff directed his restaurant staff to “please put Karl Rove in his usual table.”
Ralston said Rove had to pay for Jack's sports tickets, but Abramoff wrote back "You don't have to pay!" (ILLEGAL)
Throughout it all, Grover Norquist and Ralph Reed are used as go-betweens and paid huge sums of money, Mehlman is saying he heard they donated to the GOP, so he'll be sure to look into an issue for an Abramoff client, Ralston is emailing Jack inside info from Rove's office, Ralston is telling Jack "you win, KR is not going to endorse", and basically doing everything Abramoff wants. Abramoff is king and getting one quid pro quo favor after another.
There are tons and tons of e-mails between Abramoff and Ralston on tickets for Rove and also tickets for Mehlman. All expensive tickets, and none apparently paid full value for as is necessary under the law to avoid ethics or bribery charges. Ralston herself asked for tickets seven times! There are then lots of favors and quoson the other side--just take the time to read it.
Then suddenly an e-mail is sent to the wrong address, revealing influence buying, to which Abramoff replies "Dammit! Went into the WH system."
Abramoff had many successes, including 9 major issues the WH gave him. This does not count all the legislative things Bush passed that Delay got for Jack. After the mis-sent email, one official begins complaining and shutting Jack out of tribal meetings. He is done. That's when most of those rejected appointments and projects happened, which the WH is using now to say there were more rejects than successes.
NOT TRUE. Add in the legislative and all the little things Jack got for his wining, dining and entertainment and contributions.
Read the report yourself and all the footnotes--and RECOMMEND this thread to help get the truth out to fight the current WH spin.
And make posts on all the illegal points--it's a lot to go through and organize and we need to do it together. Just the way they speak to each other and run the government for themselves!
The point here is that Abramoff is singing and trying to get more time off, Ralston is now implicated and will sing--and she knows where all the bodies are buried, while admitted felons Tony Rudy and Neil Volz are also singing to the Feds.
Admitted felon and Delay aide Rudy is depicted asking for more and more money, with witnesses, everything that is needed to convict is here, ladies and gents--and we have the witnesses.
There are at least four witnesses and tons of documents showing clear--even boastful quid pro quo--out and out bribery.