Okay, bear with me on this as we are talking Politics here and in Politics I think anything is possible.
First of all there are SO MANY Scandals coming down, and some very soon (Abramoff squealing - Rove's Secretary and Rove Handing out Quid Pro Quo, from candidate approval to SkyBox seats for $50), someone here posted a list that had more than twenty high profile scandal cases all pointing at BUSH CO, Rove Emails, 450 Abramoff visits to the White House (Which would mean that Abbie Baby spent more time in the White House than BUSH DID), etc.
The SOTUS have handed down two rulings, both of them screwing Bush to the wall potentially for war crimes both here and abroad.
Bush is looking haggard, going nuts, never finished a job in his life, just wants OUT of the White House and the whole gig, he'd done all he is capable of doing, including riding the bike while smoking the cigar like any good Circus Chimp, for Rove and Cheney, etc.
Plus it's not looking good for Cheney either, like they say, if you kicked Bush in the Ass you'd break Cheney's arm. So Rove, Cheney and Bush are screwed, but don't want Rummy to go down the drain, and others who have been doing all the dirty work.
So they MAKE A DEAL with Congress - PASS THIS BILL and Bush will Resign, and be pardoned by both Congress and his successor, Cheney will Step down for Health reasons, Rove hits the private sector - the money train they've set up is still in motion, and will be for years. Halliburton, Bechtel, etc rolling in dough.. PLUS they get to appoint their successor, figuring that the jig may be up, a DEMOCRATIC House and Senate MAY be just around the corner, if DIEBOLD screws up at all. The media is now discovering that they just can't cover for the Idiot anymore, the ratings are better when they trash him, and for those running Bush has LEAD Coat Tails. Stick a fork in him.
So they Appoint, Say, RICE for President, with McCain/Guiliani for Veep.
Now those liberals like Kennedy and Kerry, etc don't HAVE to vote YES to torture as part of the deal, they need to keep respectable and it's as far as they'll go in THE DEAL. Some Dems will Vote YES, their choice, if they think it will further their Campaigns, the Republicans of course all Vote YES to Torture, Stabbing the Magna Carta through the heart, wiping their butts with the constitution, and dismissing the Geneva Conventions.
They look TOUGH for their boneheaded backers, and can get elected that way, the waffly DEMS look tough to the Fence Sitters, or non Partisan.
So Everyone signs onto THE DEAL, Bush won't resign until after the Elections, sling all the mud everyone wants to, etc.
Afterwards he steps down, without any action against him by the Democrats in Charge, and is FREE. The Repigs make out, they don't have that Albatross around their necks, and can take it easy now, the Dems are going to look BAD no matter what they do - when you try to clean up a room full of shit, you'll be covered in it and smell like it.
PLUS the Republicans can say they are a forward thinking PROGRESSIVE crowd as they've appointed the FIRST WOMAN AS PRESIDENT, and a BLACK ONE.
This sets the Stage for Hillary, which the Repigs WANT DESPERATELY TO RUN (but the Dems can run anyone they want), to run against RICE, who has continued the NEOCON agenda as best she can, as a lame duck, deflecting the scandals, Bush goes West, Hides behind his wife's skirt and stays drunk, and those in the KNOW breath a sigh of relief as the HATEFUL, CLUTZY RETARD is finally gone and maybe, just maybe we can get our country back in order. Plus other countries can say, "WHEW, that NUT doesn't have his finger on the button anymore, we can start LIKING Americans again.." Except for more terrorists than have ever existed before in all of history, thanks to Bush, but we work on that...
Nuts? Tin Foil Lined Skull? Dunno, I think Politics is a strange animal and it's all about DEAL MAKING, and the cycle DOES need to begin anew, where the REPIGS RIP Everyone OFF, then the DEMS come in, clean up the mess, make some more money for everyone, so the REPIGS can come in and RIP Everyone OFF..
The Cycle of life, and Politics.. I just have a feeling about this deal, it's TOO SAVAGE for someone, a LOT of people to have not THOUGHT it out, and the scumbags get their way to the end, at least until Karma gets 'em...