watching John McLaughlin on Situation Room listen to quotes from Woodward's book, which say that McLaughlin, Deputy Director of CIA, CLUNG to the idea of aluminum tubes, despite David Kay's insisting that they had nothing to do with Iraqi nukes.
I found this snip from commondreams, which DIRECTLY contradicts Woodward's version:
''When CIA Deputy Director John McLaughlin raised questions about the fabled aluminum tubes that were supposedly a critical element of Saddam's nuclear program, Tenet waved McLaughlin's doubt aside. Skepticism was banished. When David Kay, chief of the Iraq Survey Group, discovered there were no WMD, he met with the ever-faithful Tenet, who told him: 'I don't care what you say. You will never convince me they didn't have chemical weapons.' '''s a LOT of stuff I've heard today from Woodward that covers the same ground as Risen estimable book, State of War.
I don't know about you, but when in doubt, I'll take Risen's reporting over Woodward's alleged journalism every time.
Before you bother with the Woodward stuff, or at least while you read it, do some digging on Risen. There's a LOT online about his book, and it's proven to be very reliable, including his description of the Rice/Rumsfeld relationship, which Woodward seems to have cribbed from State of War.
check these out for starters: down to the Powers review of State of War
Just wait and see what happens with this Woodward deal; watch it turn into another scam in which they're able to debunk a few things he's claimed, and come out ahead once again.
Just remember: David Kay started out as a devious skunk, lying about his resume, working for sleazeball giant SAIC, then turning tail when he realized just HOW bad things were in Iraq WRT WMD coverups. don't trust this creep any farther than Woodward
like I said, just wait