Edited on Fri Sep-29-06 07:24 PM by EstimatedProphet
The argument that terrorists don't deserve any rights and therefore we should suspend habeas corpus is being supported mostly by urban myth. Here's what I mean:
Remember the 'welfare queen'? Remember how righteously pissed off everyone was to have it pointed out that there's people that make money off of welfare, spit out kids to get extra money, drive around in Cadillacs and eat steak and lobster every night, and live like royalty? Of course you do. It was the urban myth that gave Reagan his strength. The only thing is - it wasn't true. But that didn't stop anyone believing in it, because it was so truthy that it didn't matter whether it was true or not.
We're going through the same process with the bill that left Congress. This one is going to be just as hard to fight. Why? Because everyone knows that all these criminals get off on simple technicalities! Of course we all know they'd all be in jail if it weren't for someone forgetting to sign thier name with their middle initial, or mistakenly putting the wrong date on a form, or not initialing the right box, or something else just as unimportant! After all, if they were accused of terrorism, there must be a reason for it, right? So if they aren't getting convicted, it must be because our officials are hindered by the stiffness of the Constitution, and like always the criminals are being let out to roam the streets beause of simple loopholes and technicalities! Since they're guilty, it doesn't matter what happens to them, so why worry about things like civil rights? It's very truthy - it may not be true, but just because it isn't true doesn't mean it isn't true. The dumbasses want to believe things work this way because of the TV cop shows that have told them it works that way, and they'll back it right to the end.