rather than a Democracy. I posted this poll roughly 24 hours ago:
http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=show_mesg&forum=364&topic_id=2253182&mesg_id=2253182I still have hope for the November elections. I still have hope that American Democracy is not dead.
I still have hope that the Constitution still means something.
But considering Diebold, re-districting, and all of the other recent developments that I never thought would happen in Our Democracy.... I have begun thinking about what I always considered to be the "unthinkable".
I am a Philosophical Taoist. Taoists believe in the concept of Wu Wei or "action through non-action". We are the ultimate pacifists, although we recognize that because of human infallibility that sometimes extreme action to the point of War is unavoidable. In which case War, if it cannot be avoided, must be effective.
Sun-tse's Art of War was a Taoist document. If only SOMEONE in W's administration had read it.
If you choose to read it, I reccommend reading several different translations. The original text does not translate well at all, and whatever translation you read will reflect the translator's opinions more than it will the original text. So, read several translations, and absorb the ones that actually mean something to you.