This goes so far beyond how a lot on the right see it. Many Bush supporters see this in two simple ways:
1) The President now has the "tools" he needs to fight terror so he may protect America 2) This nonsense that we shouldn't trust Bush is just Liberal partisan politics
First, the ultimate goal of fighting terror, as they (the right) claim, is to protect America. The problem is that the America Bush swore to protect, he has just dismantled. The only thing left to protect is his power over it. He has dismantled a functioning government with checks and balances of power which puts the US Constitution into serious jeopardy of being all but eradicated. He didn't do this alone - Congress, our elected representatives helped him and pushed along what Bush placed into motion.
Secondly, as things stand now, we have no choice (beyond trying to reverse this legislation) but to hope we can trust Bush. Read that again. We have no choice now but to hope we can trust George W. Bush with his new found, practically unlimited power.
Our trilateral system of government was designed under the premise that we can NOT trust one branch with all the power. It was designed to prevent even two branches to obtain all the power.
Our only hope is that the very branch of government that put him into power, the Judicial, can take him out of power. Short of that, we may be witnesses to the end of the traditional system of American government.