My simple plan on destabilizing the Right Wing.
Debunk - Use stories from Media Matters for America, ConWebWatch, and other groups that are dedicated to refuting the Spin of the Right. - Further application (specifics) - Read a story from MMFA, CWW, FAIR, etc. and then spread this story around. Put in on a message board, send an e-mail with it and forward it to your RW Friends.
Decapitate - Investigate the doings of groups, and focus on the Leader. If and when you find something spread it around and start a petition demanding the Leader's Resignation.
Defund - There are many ways you can defund a group. A boycott of Coors, telling people to sell their Diebold, Sinclair Broadcasting, etc. Stocks. You can also think of other ways to defund a group. - Further application - If a group is tax exempt, you should do an investigation into the Group's activities, and see if you can spot any illegal activities. You should then contact the FEC to deal with the Group.
Destroy - When you find something, don't let go. Be like a tenacious pit bull and ride it out.
Dezone - The simplest thing a person can do. Put an Anti-RW sticker on your car, wear a political shirt, do something that says you are against the Far Right.
Discord - Put Homophobic Groups against Coors and the groups that they fund. Put Anti-Choice Groups against Scaife and the groups that they fund.
Disdain - Instead of name calling when a RW'er says something stupid and/or evil. This is what you should do: First, say that the RW'er should be ashamed for what he/she said and then apologize and offer support for the person(s) or group that the RW'er was talking about.
Disorganize - Investigate the doings of groups, and focus on a member. If and when you find something spread it around and start a petition demanding that member's Resignation. - Like Decapitate, but focused on the lower members of a RW Group.
Disrupt - Protest! But, it is bigger than that. Picket RW Organizations, ask questions to RW Organizations that they can not answer. You can also think of other things, just remember to keep it as civil as possible.
Dissolve - This is a continuation of Destroy. Keep going at it, keep until the group is just a shadow of it's former self, or until it is bankrupt. When you spot 1 scandal, don't stop there, keep going.
Distrust - Comment on the Liberalism or how moderate RW Leaders are to your RW Friends.