We called ourselves the "Greatest Country in the World." We believed that somehow, we were well down the road toward creating Utopia. We thought we were special. We thought we were different. We thought we were the best hope for humanity. But last night, we found out it was an illusion.
We watched a handful of people who occupied the positions once held by giants like Jefferson, Franklin, Hamilton, and others who gave us the gift of liberty, betray us. They came like thieves in the night and they stole our sense of well being, our freedoms and our country.
I spent most of today burning with rage. But all I feel at the moment is deep sadness, discouragement, and the fear that perhaps many years may pass before that which we have lost will reemerge on the face of the earth.
We are in a frightening, terrible, dark moment of human history. The barbarians are in control, decency is in remission and those who believe they can somehow change it (through force or other means) are in denial of the reality of absolute power.
Abraham Lincoln, Franklin Roosevelt, and even Lyndon Johnson (if you can, for just a moment, put aside Vietnam) labored to bring fairness, justice and human decency to us. But last night, it was all taken away. It was an American Kristalnacht. It was a bonfire that destroyed our constitution and everything it stood for.
We are all now at the mercy of one man and his henchmen who will decide who is to be spied upon, deprived of their rights, imprisoned, held without charges, disappeared, tortured, or murdered.
In six short years, and one brief moment of insanity, all of our dreams of a better world have been shattered. And we can't even blame ourselves. It was accomplished through stealth, misdirection, maliciousness, a plan that had been in the works for many years, and a small group of people who knew how easy it would be to get the majority to buy into pure evil.
What's most amazing is that this small group of people are not battle-scarred veterans, heroes from Greek mythology, leaders with the ability to inspire, or even people of courage.
Unfortunately, they are the real terrorists. Small, sociopathic, men and women who represent the worst of the human species. They are con men who sold a lie that was believed by too many in this country. A country that we may never again be able to call our own.