MEDIA ADVISORY, Sept. 29 /Christian Newswire/ -- Is homosexuality a sin? Well, x-gay-Christian Author, K. Godfrey Easter, has been convinced that it is after 22 years of living, breathing, and writing pro-gay Christianity in this world. So, on October 15, 2006, Easter will pre-launch his next book, “LOVE LIFTED ME BECAUSE OF THE CHURCH,” in cyberspace. Free of charge through October 12, 2006, participants can register online at for Godfrey’s Challenge.
Since 2002, Easter has been a featured columnist in newspapers and internet magazines that cater to gay-Christian audiences. Since announcing his dramatic about-face from homosexuality last year, he has received so much negative feedback that he feels offering his new book over the internet will attract an audience truly seeking to benefit from reading a message he claims, “…was personally delivered to me by The Wisdom of God.”
Beginning October 15th, the introduction and first chapter of his upcoming release will be emailed to Godfrey’s Challenge Participants. Then, every two weeks thereafter participants will receive additional chapters until the final chapter and epilogue is transmitted to them on Christmas Eve.
“I’m so convinced that Wisdom will offer such a compelling argument against homosexuality during this project, that I want people to read it before my book formally debuts – for free,” he adds. “I’d especially enjoy seeing Christians who still struggle privately with the issue join the project. Plus, it’s time for pro-gay Christian leadership to put up or stop blindly leading the blind,” Easter continued.
Throughout the challenge participants will be given one week to read each chapter and a week to submit their feedback, which will be posted at Easter's website, along with his responses. Then, on January 31, 2007, one month after the completion the Challenge, “LOVE LIFTED ME BECAUSE OF THE CHURCH” will be traditionally published, “after considering the feedback from Godfrey’s Challenge participants,” the author promises.
Among other aspects of this independent effort by the author, poll results will also be displayed at Easter’s website indicating the percentage of pro-gay participants at the beginning of the challenge who view homosexuality as a sinful act by the project’s completion.
“After that,” Easter admonishes, “'s between them, God, and mainstream Christianity,
unless I’m still needed.:crazy: It’s time for the Peace of God to prevail concerning homosexuality, at least for Kingdom Citizens, that’s all I’m trying to convey.”
To learn more about Author K. Godfrey Easter or Godfrey’s Challenge visit
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Level I Donating $ 50.00 More Info...
Levl II Donating $ 25.00 More Info...
Level III Donating $ 15.00 More Info...
Level IV Donating $ 10.00 More Info...
Level V Donating $ 5.00 More Info...
Level VI Non-Donating
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