know this is crazy and I'm expecting at least 2-3 of you to flame me for this crazy idea but hear me out.
All last night I kept trying to figure out why Sherod Brown and Robert Menendez supported this bill. Research these guys voting records and you'll find they are some of the most progressive democrats in DC
Case in Point:
2002 Iraq War Resolution Vote: Menendez and Brown voted against it
First Patriot Act Vote: didn't support it but Menendez did however opposed to the 2nd one. I'll give Menendez a slide on the first because his district was in North Jersey and there were probably people from his district in those towers.
But overall if you search the record of both of these guys - you'll see that they pretty much sum up what we would want in a progressive democrat. I've had people tell me about how Sherod Brown does not allow Corporations to push him around and that he is a strong union man (Menendez also strong with the Unions).
So why in Gods name would they vote for this bill? This so go against the grain of just who Sherod Brown and Robert Menendez are. The only thing I can think of is that say what you will, but the average 'Joe Voter' still buys into that 'Democrats are weak on Terrorism' and both of these guys are in extremely tight senate races (I'm thinking that's why Lautenberg, another liberal from New Jersey also voted for it - to suport Menendez). I mean say what you will about polls and the fact that this campaign strategy of Repukes pushing the 'Democrats are Weak on Terrorism' but every 2 years they trot this out and every 2 years we lose.
But then I read about this: which has this: says that within a few days there will be a court challenge to the torture bill.
Now let's face it, does it matter what happened in DC with the vote? We know this administration has been using torture and regardless of the vote they will still continue to use torture. But what if this bill got into the courts and probably up to the Supreme Court and they determine it's illegal. It could happen - we have four justices who follow the constitution (Breyer, SOuter, Ginsberg and Stevens) and four who do not (Alito, Roberts, Thomas and Scalia). And then we have the wild card - Justice Kennedy. That guy is all over the board but has, from time to time shown that he does follow the constitution.
What would happen if we got this bill declared illegal in the highest court in the land and find out that the Bush Regime is still using torture? Wouldn't that then be an undeniable impeachable offense?
It's a crazy idea, but some of those votes from democrats just did NOT make sense