In the face of falling viewership numbers, missing the big stories of IraqNam, Mark Foley, Shimkus, Hastert, Delay, the Duke, Abramof, (damn, the list is just too long) etc., what corporate decision would you make?
These guys are not idiots; they rode the neocon horse as long as they could. Now that horse has lost its shoes and is seriously lame. Shepard Smith's attack mode on Billy (Meth) Krystal was probably the first in a continuing effort to move Fox closer to the public. Watch for Billo start to ask pointed questions of Rummie. Watch for Inhannity to wonder whether the leadership of the GOP are victims or enablers of Foley. Watch for IraqNam to be mentioned as a civil war, not a wonderful example of democracy and freedom.
Why? not because they have a change of heart. But because maintaining their neoconman support groups will lose them money. They see the same polls finding 21% of America supporting a GOP led congress. They recognize that the 42% support of the president is a blip, not a trend. They realize that most of the criminal acts taking place in our country are being done by Congress and the White House.
It is not a political change of heart, but rather, a rational business decisions to change horses before they lose even more viewers.