Patriots for Al Gore Auburn, Illinois September 30, 2006
This press release is to announce that Patriots for Al Gore does not believe in torture. It goes against what being an American is, what being a human being is, and it is the antithesis to the rule of law that keeps our citizens and troops safe. This detainee bill passed by Congress last week catapults them to a new status: that of torturers, not of representatives of any rule of law. It is a disgrace to our Constitution, our soul as a nation, and our national security. It is also a gross unconstitutional violation of the system of checks and balances that keeps a Democracy sound, and we denounce it.
The paranoia and fear that is the pervasive mantra of this regime and Congress have done nothing but fan the flames of hatred, war, animosity, and terrorism. The torture that took place at Abu Ghraib did nothing to deter a terror attack on American soil. The torture that takes place at Guantanamo has done nothing to deter a terror attack on American soil. As a matter of fact, this regime as proven by 9.11 Commission testimony had information regarding an attack on American soil prior to 9.11 that was gained without torture that they did nothing with. This in and of itself proves the real motive behind this and other measures by this regime and its enablers: to gain more power over the American people in order for them to institute their own agendas.
Torture now makes the United States of America no better than a third world dictatorship. It takes away the rights of Habeus Corpus, which has been the backbone of the rule of law since the Magna Carta. It takes away the rights of those accused (not convicted, but accused) to know their accusers, the evidence brought against them, how that evidence was procured, and their right to fighting it. In essence, the detainee bill has stripped away every protection afforded an American citizen as well in the laws of jurisprudence as outlined in what constitutes an ”enemy combatant.” It has taken us back to the Dark Ages when men ruled over law. And the most frightening aspect of this bill is that it gives the power of determination to a man who has shown he has not the moral capacity nor will to lead with anything but contempt and arrogance towards the very people he swore an oath to protect.
This bill will not protect the American people. This bill will not protect our troops. This bill will only do one thing. It will give credence to the amoral and inhumane torture that those who have usurped our government wish to engage in for their own perversions. Information gained during torture has not proven to be useful, as many undergoing it will say anything to make it stop. However, this will now be the standard by which Americans will exact justice, and it is a moral disgrace and slap in the face to our Founding Fathers and American ancestors who had to endure much more under an empire than we do now, and who did so with dignity and decency.
HOW DARE those who think to say they represent us now think they can torture people in our name! Patriots for Al Gore denounces this bill, denounces all who approve of it, and we stand by the Founding Fathers, the Constitution, and the tenets of human decency that speak out for justice and the adherence to the rule of law which has always been the guiding force in protecting a free people. By now becoming the beast we say we fight, that beast has won. May God have mercy on our souls.
Jan Moore Chairperson, Patriots for Al Gore