As presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton characterized it, Democrats who voted against the detainee bill put “winning elections ahead of a smart strategy for winning the war on terror,” according to the New York Times. “Senator Ben Nelson of Nebraska, a Democrat up for re-election who often breaks with his party, said he was willing to follow the lead of Senator John McCain, Republican of Arizona, who lent the final legislation his strong endorsement,” apparently a slick move on Nelson’s part as John “Keating Five” McCain, friend of racketeers and Mafia dons (Joseph “Joe Bananas” Bonano, head of the New York Bonano crime family), is yet another presidential hopeful, a man with all the power and personality of a waterfront syndicate boss.
If you go into a backroom with dogs, however, you’re going to come out with fleas. “Nelson, a Democratic senator from Tallahassee, supported a failed amendment that would have retained habeas corpus rights…. Nelson said he welcomes legal challenges to the bill,” according to the Gainesville Sun. In the meantime, thugs in black vans will be free to disappear Mr. Nelson’s relatives and friends, that is if King George deems them a threat to the war on terr’ism, that is to say the manufactured terrorist threat engineered to provide a pretext to invade small countries where putative haters of our freedoms reside.