In the south, many know how difficult it is for democrats to get elected. Ford got the 'liberal' stamp by a group here in the state even though his voting record has been very republican. The only 'strike', many here do consider it a strike against you, is his pro-choice stance. There was an ad some time ago that said he was soft on terrorists and illegal immigrants. They flashed 'liberal' on the screen as if in dire warning.
It's a reality in the state of TN that Democrats have to walk a very small tightrope in order to get elected. It's not even necessarily about Ford, but more about people like Howard Dean, Ted Kennedy and Hillary Clinton who many despise.
It's no wonder Ford is carefully campaigning away from the democratic party as far as he can get. I know a lot of you find what I'm saying apologistic, but after reading this article: thought a lot about the positions Ford and other southern democrat politicians are in this election year. We need control of the house and the senate more so than all the issues we stand for. In order to put a stop to the criminal and harmful actions of the bush regime we need all the dems to win that we can get. The more the better.
Keep in mind many of us do live in the south. Does any of this make sense or am I thinking too much?