Edited on Wed Nov-01-06 07:22 PM by hiaasenrocks
At a White House reception on January 3, 2005, for new members of Congress and their spouses Bush said, "Laura and I know how hard it is on a family to be in the political arena. It's the ultimate sacrifice, really—sacrifice your privacy, sacrifice time with your kids."
As Bob Woodward noted: "It was inappropriate in the extreme given that 1,333 Americans and thousands more Iraqis had made the true ultimate sacrifice."
source: State of Denial by Bob Woodward (p. 375)
Members of the press should ask Bush at every opportunity if he thinks being in Congress is really the "ultimate sacrifice" and how he could even manage to utter those words while Americans are dying overseas—Americans he sent to war.
The second quote happened on March 13, 2002, roughly six months after 9/11 and with troops on the ground in Afghanistan hunting the terrorist leader. This was also about the time that the Bush Administration was gearing up to sell the American public on the war in Iraq. They would tell us later that fighting in Iraq was "central to the war on terror," thus central to the fight against bin Laden and al Qaeda.
Bush said, "I don't know where bin Laden is. I have no idea and really don't care. It's not that important. It's not our priority."
The priority, of course, was Saddam Hussein and Iraq. This is an insult to the men and women who fought and died in Afghanistan looking for the man who planned and orchestrated the worst terrorist attack in U.S. history, a man Bush said he really doesn't care about.
I humbly suggest a media blast on these quotes. If anyone wants to use my words verbatim, feel free.
EDIT: for grammar