Remember a few months ago when we were begging our Dem's to force the Pukes to trigger the Nuclear Option over the Alito Nomination? I bet the Pukes are happy we didn't force them to change the rules...
I wonder if any of the Pukes are remembering that fight and how much fun they'd thought it would be if they just shut us completely out of every debate...
Now that the shoe is on the other foot... I wonder if our Dem's will hold secret debates and lock their "heroes" out or shove them in the basement when they're trying to do the job they were sent to do?
I wonder if we'll let any of their amendments come to the floor or even allow them to read the bills before they sign them into law...
I wonder if we'll let our committees go through the farce of an oversight hearing only to shut it down when we think it doesn't help our politics...
I wonder if they'll cry if we put our partisans on the ethics committee and then shut them down when they try to do their job?
Somehow, I doubt we'll do that because we're not fucking assholes...
But it sure is tempting, isn't it... That's the difference between them and us though, that's what makes us better than them; I doubt we'd do any of these shitty, shitty things to their elected representatives but they've already proved who they are. We may pull some seemingly unfair things from time to time, things that will get the Freepers and their Nazi bosses all in a tizzy but nothing we do will ever compare to the raping we've had to suffer for the past 6 years. I'm not for revenge right now but thanks to them, we now know just how far we can ram the stick up their asses and the sweet thing is... they deserve every fucking inch.