In the midst of the afterglow of the royal "shtupping" the Pachys gave the Jackasses Tuesday, I have, sadly, a bad case of post-coital triste...
Now that we've ended far too many years of Repug control of the Federal Congress, the hard work begins: Keeping the Armageddonites in the Executive from declaring Jihad, from launching their own Christian Crusade, their own Holy War, immediately, rather than allow their Holy Cause to be derailed.
I believe this to be a real danger.
I believe that there are elements within the Administration which would launch a global nuclear holocaust, rather than, as they see it, "allow the forces of Satan to win the victory." I believe that there are elements within the Administration who follow pastoral teachings coming from Texas which hold Islam to be the active tool of Satan, dedicated to the destruction of America and of all of Christendom, and hold all Muslims to be agents of the Anti-Christ. This belief is, sadly, not one man's paranoia, but is, rather, drawn from the words of one of the leading voices in the ultra-conservative neo-Evangelical movement: the Rev John Hagee <"http://www.jhm.org/">, as spoken from the pulpit of his San Antonio-based Cornerstone Church <"http://www.sacornerstone.com/">, and as contained in some of his best-selling publications...
I believe that some of the followers of these teachings hold positions of influence, of power, within the current Administration, while others have the ear of such high-ranking members of the Administration...
I am greatly concerned as to what they might now propose to do.
I am greatly concerned as to whether they can be stopped at all...