Edited on Fri Nov-10-06 05:26 PM by BL611
The people have spoken, and their mandate is pretty clear
1) Find an answer for Iraq 2) Provide oversight of the executive (not lead an impeachment crusade), and clean up congress 3) Raise the Minimum wage, heed the recommendations of the 9/11 commission and several other moderate reforms. 4) Don't molest the pages
If the Democrats overreach like Bush and the Republicans did two years ago, with things like impeachment and the typical partisan rancor, they will be rebuked again by the voters. The American public is skeptical of the partisanship and ideological dogma our political climate, they have given us an opportunity to show that we are better than the GOP, and that we will be more concerned with solving the problems that face us than throwing bombs at the other side.
If the Democrats hear and deliver on the mandate they have been given (and I do think that is what they will do) they will win the confidence of the American people, and will be heard if and when a leader steps forth (IMO Obama) in '08 with a more sweeping agenda for reform.If not we will be back at square one with an American public suspicious of letting us govern.