Tell Texas Utility Company: Don't Barbeque Our Planet! utility giant TXU has announced plans to build eleven massive
new power plants that will use outdated, pulverized-coal-burning
technology. Texas Governor Rick Perry -- who's taken hundreds of
thousands of dollars in contributions from utility companies in recent
years -- has now fast-tracked the permitting process for these plants
and limited public input.
If built, these plants will lock in 78 million tons of carbon dioxide
emissions per year -- the equivalent of 10 million Cadillac Escalade
SUVs -- for decades to come. Texas' energy needs can easily and
quickly be met through conservation and energy efficiency measures
that won't trash our climate.
Tell TXU C.E.O. John Wilder and Texas Governor Rick Perry not to
barbeque our planet. Click here:** SPECIAL OFFER **
Do Your Part -- Go Carbon Neutral!'re all concerned about global warming -- and as U.S. citizens, we
should be. We're 5 percent of the world's population but we produce 25
percent of total greenhouse gas emissions. However, there's an easy
and affordable way to neutralize your share of global warming --
carbon offsets from
Carbonfund uses your donation to support wind energy, energy
efficiency and reforestation projects that reduce climate change. And
if you go zero-carbon by offsetting 23 tons per year or more, Working
Assets will chip in another five tons of offsets at no additional cost
to you.
Click here to learn more:** ACTIVISM OPPORTUNITY **
Tell Verizon and AT&T: Come Clean on Privacy Rights past May, USA Today reported that AT&T and Verizon voluntarily
provided customer phone records and communications data to the
National Security Agency (NSA) without requiring a court order.
In response, groups of shareholders have now filed motions with both
companies to compel them to issue a "Privacy Rights Protection Report"
and answer to customers and shareholders for these gross violations of
privacy. In the interests of corporate responsibility, the leaders of
Verizon and AT&T should support adoption of these resolutions.
Tell the CEOs of Verizon and AT&T to support these resolutions. Click
here:*** Please share this message with anyone else you know who is
interested in saving our global environment, going carbon-neutral, or
getting AT&T and Verizon to come clean about customer privacy. ***
THANK YOU for working to build a better world.
Will Easton
Working Assets