Is to stop the reign of terror of that bastard in the White House who name is Bush.
In the year 2000, I feared that I can't live my life under the reign of Bush, with the possibility of committing suicide. But now seven years later, my focus is clear. Of all the crimes he committed against humanity, of all the bills he singed into law that threatens our rights and liberties, nothing comes close to that of his atrocities in 2006. Signing a law that can detain you and subject you to torture for criticizing his policies, and killing a legitimate leader of a sovereign country are the last straws. As well as killing more US citizens (our troops) in Iraq then the ones who were killed at 9/11.
Starting right now, I partly commit myself to stopping Bush and help send him to a war crimes tribunal where he will received the harshest penalty. But first, he has to be impeached.
I, as well as the American people, cannot stand two more years of this murderous regime, and enough is enough! George Bush HAS GOT TO GO! No matter what it takes and no matter what the cost. This is my mission in life.