...that impeachment is *practical* and *achievable."
Thanks for posting this. I posted about this more than 24 hours ago, but I did it in the dead of night, and in competition with the whole focus on the executing of Hussein, so it dropped like a rock.
I wrote to Hutchison to clarify the legality of this procedure, whether Pelosi, et al. would be *obliged* to go forth with it. And I expressed my feeling about John Dean's thesis that we should forget the guys at the top and impeach the underlings. Here's the reply I got from Hutch. There's also a link to his article at OpEdNews.com.
This is exciting stuff!
Bold emphasis is mine.
• My conviction is that John Dean's tragically off the mark. Of course we must pursue impeachment of the entire Bush gang, and it's nuts to say, "Don't bother with the 2 guys at the top because you can't get impeachment." That's a false dichotomy. First, if I didn't think impeachment, indictment, prosecution and conviction of Bush and Cheney were possible, I wouldn't bother devoting practically all my time to achieving it. Of course impeachment's not only possible, but inevitable --- provided the American people insist on justice. As the investigations commence, starting with Henry Waxman and leading to John Conyers at the House Judiciary Cmte., the House will be compelled to act on impeachment by evidence and pressure from the people.
• This is precisely why our group is Impeach Them! We recognize that justice demands that Bush, Cheney, and all the members of their gang who have violated the laws be held to account, as stated in Article 2, Section 4 of our Constitution. It does not limit impeachment to only the President and Vice President; impeachment applies to "all Civil Officers of the United States," and that means the entire gang --- Rumsfeld, Rove, Gonzales, Rice et al. So in a concrete sense we see the impeachment process as beginning with the 2 at the top and going forward to include all who violated our laws. It's essential and crucial that our country restore justice in the USA and undo the illegal police state the Bush gang put in place in violation of our laws. It's imperative for the sake of our futures to restore justice & reclaim democracy. See
http://www.impeachthem.com/sites/impeachthem.com/files/impeach_petition_usa.pdf - also attached here below. Relevant documents pertaining to legality and public opinion, impeachment strategy are available at our site ImpeachThem.com at Impeach Bush TV, After Downing Street, Progressive Democrats of America (PDA), and Democrats.com, all listed below.
No, neither Nancy Pelosi nor Harry Reid can keep impeachment "off the table." Once New Jersey's legislature (or Vermont's/New Mexico's/California's/Illinois'/Minnesota's) passes a Resolution to Impeach, under Jefferson's rule an effective order is transmitted to the U.S. House, and the House must drop all business and take up the question of investigations leading to the drafting of Articles of Impeachment against Bush-Cheney.
This is why the campaigns to move resolutions in states is so vitally important, because it will provide the legal push to get Pelosi/Reid moving in their chambers. Essentially, Pelosi must say, "We received an order from a state and the House of Representatives is compelled to act on this direction." And so with the Senate eventually per the process of impeachment.• Jefferson's Rule 603 has never been invoked to impeach a president, but it was used to impeach a federal judge (in the early 1900s, I believe; I don't have the citation in front of me). As stated above, the Rule applies in line with the Constitutional article for the impeachment of a judge ("a Civil Officer") or a president and vice president.
The legality of the implementation or invocation of Jefferson's Rule is straightforward and indisputable; it's the law within the Parliamentary Rules and Practices of the U.S. House and as such is part of the Constitution.I hope this answers your questions, as I hope the Op-Ed article will spur people in other states to push their legislatures. At base, it's the pressure exerted in the will of the people for justice that will bring impeachment and justice and reclaiming democracy in our country.
Thanks again for your time.
Best regards,
HUTCH. 973.694.5035
Read more at:
http://www.opednews.com /articles/opedne_stuart_h_061229_new_jersey_impeach_t .htm Text
We can all find more information at www.ImpeachThem.com about other states that are considering such a move. Some have passed bills calling for impeachment, but apparently have not done it specifically following the Jefferson protocol. New Mexico is pondering such a move, so as soon as the snow melts here, I'm going to get in touch with the PTB to urge them to take a look at this protocol. If they get such an order from more than one state, it will just strengthen the process.
(Governor Richardson has declared a state of emergency over our 30 inches of snow here in Northern New Mexico. You guys back East can laugh, but we're not used to this! The Albuquerque airport has been shut down for days; the interstates have all (that would be 2) been shut down. :) )
Kadie, thank you once again for shining the light on this matter. I'll be watching to see what New Jersey accomplishes!
Happy 2007!
Judy Barrett
Santa Fe, NM