He thought he had a plan a year ago--didn't, must've been just trying one on for size. Now he's got commissions and study groups galore--HEY, BUSH--you allegedly educated, supposedly connected, somewhat caught reading a damn book at least once in your life lazy ass vacation-happy Oedipally-conflicted and whatEVER ELSE your critics ever burdened your poor sorry ego with--
Can't you figure out this is for Grown-ups and is complicated, you sorry-witted panderer? It isn't for people who have any desire to make themselves liked, important, relevant--screw this up, and you are lower than whale feces. If you take your extra 30-40 thousand and go for the Sunni terrorist insurgent folks who call themselves Al-Quada and damn well know what that means to you--you're gonna agitate Sunnis worldwide and they're the Muslim majority (and some of 'em are your bosom buds in Saudi Arabia--and some others are the AL-Quada you haven't freaking caught in Pakistan, Afghanistan--ah--Mullah Omar, uh, some dude called Osama--just saying). If you go after Al-Sadr and his upstarts you've been neglecting/supporting with neglect (ahem see Saddam hanging--er--Google Facilities Protection Services)--well, we all knew you wanted Iran, Syria and Hezbollah, so you didn't surprise us with your genius there, either. If you smite both houses equally--we will be there for--checking watch--EVER! If the average American had a map and a newspaper subscription handy, or at least some familiarity with the old series of tubes we call the Internets (yeah, you know, the guy who beat you for this fricking office you're squatting in supported it with legislation before supermarket scanners were a friggin' mote in your daddy's incurious silver spoon eye!), they'd know that you should---have--a--plan--in--the everloving Middle East since everything is everloving connected. Bush needed flashcards to get through his first few months in office--and still occasionally cribs, naps, and looks for potty breaks, so to escape the grown people talking which means legitimate foreign policy is taking place. Cheney whispers some bollocks in your ear from his twisted oxygen-deprived FOX-news watching skull--and suddenly--
We will surge. Or maybe escalate--for the Bush-Cheney legacy--which will be bequeathed on who-knows who--who will have to do who knows what to get an end of it. This is dumb--politically, humanitarian-wise--it's not militarily sensible. It's not *right*. And I avoided using profanity--and I erm...ranted, please forgive any excesses due to my--aw heck--sanity...
I'm just saying--shouldn't they actually know who they are fighting and why before more soldiers are committed?