/rant on
I’m really pissed that my Fourth Amendment rights have been eviscerated. My country spies on me. And you.
I’m really pissed that my country kidnaps and tortures people around the globe. It’s embarrassing. And wrong.
I’m really pissed that my country has a gulag. A BFEE gulag, paid for by my tax dollars.
I’m really pissed that my country ignores and twists science to fit political goals. Copernicus was right. Kepler was right. Semmelweis was right. Darwin was right. Gore is right.
I’m really pissed that our economic future has been jeopardized but the feckless and foolish policies of the last six years. Our children and grandchildren will be paying for this military adventure for much, if not all, of their lives.
I’m really pissed that my pResident is above the law. He thinks he can do anything he wants; can ignore any law he does not like with a simple signing statement.
I’m REALLY, REALLY pissed that my newly elected Democratic Congress is ignoring the mandate of the American people to end the occupation of Iraq. There are many issues that need to be fixed, but our sons, daughters, mothers and fathers continue to die because of my bone-headed politicians.
The first priority of the 110
th Congress should be to stop the killing in Iraq. If the recent Lancet report is correct, over six hundred and fifty thousand Iraqis have been killed since the illegal invasion and the subsequent occupation of Iraq. Three thousand and four American families have been forever changed, and not for the good. Enough. Stop it. Now.
Bring our troops home.
Now. Let me repeat that for the Democrats – N-O-W. Look it up in the dictionary. Now. Not in six months. Not in 10 months. Not in 12 months. Now. This insanity must stop, and you are the only ones who can stop it.
You can start by passing
H.R. 4232, the End the War in Iraq Act of 2005. H.R. 4232 was introduced on November 4, 2005. Pick it up. Dust it off. Pass it. Failure to do so immediately will be remembered. And punished at the polls in 2008. Count on it. Every day you waffle, spin, and lie means more Iraqis will die; more of our kids and parents will be killed in the search for “Victory.”
Fuck sacrifice. Both of our peoples have sacrificed enough. Get the fuck out of Iraq now.
/rant off