A new year, a new chance to spank your perspective and pinch the nipples of the divine. Why wait?
http://sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/gate/archive/2007/01/03/notes010307.DTL&nl=fixIt's something in the air. It's something palpable and buzzy and strange and it tastes a little like warm honey but also a little like burned coffee and a whole hell of a lot like something you'd find deep in the belly button of a cloud.
Oh my God, it's hope. Do you sense it? Do you feel it? Is it all cheesy and silly and eye-rollingly exhausting to even think about? Well, too bad.
Because it's that rarest and most precious of divinely human energies and it seems to come around about this time every year, when spirits are refreshed and the numbing consumerist holiday crush is finally over and everything seems blasted clean, and you can finally lean back and take a deep breath and go, Hey, you know what? Things ain't all that bad after all. Or rather, Things might not be all that great, but they sure as hell could be a lot, lot worse.
So here it is, this little hot pocket of time, a window, a pause, lasting maybe about a week, during which we feel it's morally permissible to say, OK, let's screw the nasty and Bush-ravaged past and to hell with the sinking feeling that we are ruining the planet very, very quickly and forget the fact that, say, more Americans have now died in Iraq than were killed in the Sept. 11 attacks, because here's this weird little opportunity to make room for the new. ...
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