I'm so thrilled that Bernie's headed for the Senate, where he'll be a voice among 100, rather than one in 435. He will not be shy about speaking out, that's certain. Some snips from an article from Reuters.
BURLINGTON, United States (AFP) - Socialism will get its first-ever face in the US Senate when veteran Vermont politician Bernard "Bernie" Sanders takes a seat in the powerful upper house of the legislature.
In a country where most people think more of North Korea when they hear the word "socialism" -- rather than, for instance, democratic socialist Scandinavian countries -- Sanders, 65, will be a new phenomenon in the staid two-party system of Washington.
The son of Jewish immigrants from Poland is hardly an extreme leftist. But those in his home state used to his gruff, straight-spoken ways say he could stir up the debate over the policies of President George W. Bush as he assumes his role as a key ally of the new but slim Democratic majority.
Sanders swept to victory with a decisive 65 percent of the vote in the Vermont senatorial race last November. Running officially as an independent but never hiding his socialist ideas, he trounced a businessman who spent seven million dollars of his own fortune in the race.