If they keep whining about "BI-PARTISANSHIP," then you can bet your bottom dollar that they're a BushCo supporter. Witness: Joe Lieberman. The democrats aren't whining about "bi-partisanship" or being treated fairly. The ONLY people you hear talking about this great need for "bi-partisanship" are Chris Matthews and Little Timmy and the other hard-core republicans pretending not to be.
Pay attention to the media...notice how NO ONE is calling for the republicans to bend to the will of the people as manifested in the 2006 election, and that instead the WINNING democratic party is being called upon to act in a fair, bi-partisan manner in dealing with the republicans? Is America totally CLUELESS? Suddenly, after six years, politicians should be NICE to one and other, forget the past congressional term.
Forgive me...I have to go hurl some puke with George and Dick's portraits floating in the bile.