once again the promises and promotions of GMos not only fall short but prove to be the exact opposite of the reality. instead of having to need less pesticide you need more, and of coufrse instead of killling the the insect, fungus, weed or whatever you were targeting you just end up creating an improved, stronger, resistant version. not to mention the sheep kill in india that Bt cotton playedf a role in.
http://www.grain.org/research/btcotton.cfm?linksThis research looks at Bt cotton growing in China. Bt cotton has been hyped as biotech's big success story and the saviour of poor cotton farmers in the developing world.
Below is the transcript of a GM Watch podcast which looked not only at the findings of the research on what was happening in China but at a whole series of recent studies.
This new research evidence suggests Bt Cotton provides no benefits for biodiversity, no yield increases, no reductions in herbicide use, and that any initial reductions in pesticide use are now being undermined by growing problems with secondary pests. The evidence from these studies also shows that GM cotton is particularly unsuited to the needs of small famers in the developing world.
complete article including links [link:www.gmwatch.org/archive2.asp?arcid=7432">here