I know the other side is already dancing in the end zone, except they haven't made the end zone yet. They're up there in Washington already kind of picking out their offices and measuring the drapes."
-George W. Bush, October 26, 2006With the new Congress getting sworn-in tomorrow, thankfully the drapes were already measured; it means we get to go straight to work.
In the House of Representatives, Democrats have a bold agenda ahead. Speaker-to-be Nancy Pelosi will provide open government and honest leadership, require responsible pay-as-you-go budgeting, implement the 9/11 Commission recommendations, raising the minimum wage, require Medicare to negotiate for lower drug prices, cut the interest rates on student loans, and repeal big oil subsidies.
In the Senate, incoming Majority Leader Harry Reid will work with the Democratic majority to clean up the mess left behind by the irresponsible Republicans and fight for a new direction for America.
Tomorrow we will celebrate the first Democratic majority in twelve years, but instead of simply "dancing in the end zone," we're going to get this country back on track.
http://www.dnc.org/a/2007/01/the_drapes_are.phpWe are all patriots in our own way. We do not have to do all things alike, or think one person is the one to end the war. What has gone on at DU is rather scary. It is like some of you think the rest of us are not patriots, and don't do activist things.
Today I asked to taken off an advisory group at a paper because it all about stuff that does not interest me. I took part because I cared about my country, and there is nothing now except what I consider unimportant. Here is the response I got, and I betcha I don't have any more letters to the editor printed.
I'm sorry to hear you consider any article not about Iraq to be "puff."
A reporter from another paper said my hubby and I were too obviously against this war to be relevant if he quoted us.
I am proud of our Democrats, I like and trust some more than others. But I get livid when someone questions my patriotism or my anti-war stance.