If you look over what I suggested, you will see that for the most part the electronics are there primarily to present/display the ballot in a manner that makes it accessible to as many people as humanly possible. There is
no electronic record of a person's ballot. The record is an actual physical thing.
Electronic counting of the ballots is a matter of convenience and convenience only.
The electronic voting machine does
exactly and only the job done by the mechanical, wall of levers monstrosity, that caused the Florida debacle. The format of the physical ballot might vary, but functionally it is identical.
Past that: A valid/invalid check at the time of submission nips "hanging chad" challenges aborning; counting at the precinct level prevents prevents fraud by switching ballot boxes in transit; machine readability gives speed and accuracy; and human verifabiliy maintains confidence.
An edge-punch system combines the best of all worlds, by allowing a manual count, with nothing more than a stick and a set of scales.
Moment of epiphany mate: Mark-sense is out. Edge-punch is the only way. The
one true way.
With edge punch and three choices (Y/N/A) per race (one of which MUST be chosen) all ballots have identical weights.
- Insert Knitting needle into "Abstain" slot and select all up and down votes. (discard abstains)
- Separate by reinserting needle into yes or no slot (choice irrelevant).
- Put each pile on a balance.
- Instant result.
One person with nothing more than that knitting needle and scale balance can count 50 different races in less time than it would take that same person to count the same number of paper ballots for a single race (1, 2, 3, ...) and do it more accurately.