The END is near. There is one true way. Follow it, and you will live...well for about as long as people usually do anyway.
I remember hearing in the 70's how by 2000 we would be totally fucked. Either by the fundie view of the end of times, or overpopulation, or no oil, or nuclear war with the soviets, etc and so on.
When I was 30, in 1995 - I drove across country. From Okie City to Barstow was about 1300 miles. I passed three cities. Amarillo, Flagstaff, and Albuquerque. Pretty much a lot of nothing and nobody as far as the eye could see for over 1000 miles.
Most of the southwest is unpopulated. Even in CA I could drive for over an hour and see maybe 1 house.
I lived part of the 70's in abject fear the world was ending. Too many people, nuclear war, anti-christ a coming. 37 years later we still ain't there, and people are dying left and right in war.
Are we closer to 'armageddon' then ever before? Probably - which makes me think the fundies were not so far off on it all. The more people we get, the more government gets bigger, the closer a one world government is, and the closer more personal control over our lives is. It actually makes sense (with or without the bible).
We bitch about people smoking and what they eat, then we say we are overpopulated. Let people fucking smoke and drink and do what they want for crying out loud. War kills off a bunch too.
Abortion? Well the folks we don't like are against it and won't have em, so they keep popping out little voters. The those who don't want to bring kids into this evil world ain't having any kids, so the people we don't like are gaining more power cause they are having kids.
You don't win a war by diminishing the amount of soldiers ya have :)
Overall though I am sick of hearing how bad things are and that the end is near.
I remember my mom telling me she had heard all this her whole life. Eventually she just ignored it and lived her life to her best. She made it to 70.
We could get hit by an asteroid tomorrow. A comet. Yellowstone could blow up. Nuclear war could break out. Any number of fucking things could just plain end it all any day of the week.
Me, I am just gonna live my life, the only one I got, and have some fun. It's at least half over anyway.
You wanna walk about with a bread board stating 'the end is near' be my guest, I am not going to tell people how to live their lives and how many kids to have or not have.
Give people freedom. Let em smoke, let em drink, let em be who they want to be because they won't get another chance to be themselves ever again. And if the world ends - so be it, it is going to anyway when the sun burns out, or we have a comet slam into us, etc.
Global warming ain't going away, no matter how much we reduce the population. Nature has it's own way of fixing things, always has and always will.
In the meantime, enjoy life while you are here - cause you ain't coming back.